As a kid I struggled with dyslexia - it was a challenge for my parents to get me to school with matching shoes, let alone a backpack with completed homework. I knew I would be an artist of some sort, and had about a million projects I was cooking up. I ran from one to the other, rarely finishing what I had started and leaving piles of clutter in my wake - organization was the last thing on my mind! |
I ended up in the performing arts for about 15 years and though it was somewhat of a battle, I slowly came to embrace organization; learning how it could help me DO all the things I was excited about while living in a beautiful and fun environment - and all on a small artists budget! |
The three “ah HA!” moments that I remember
1) At age 18 I did a solo bike trip carrying only as many items as could fit on the bike. It bothered me that I could still so easily loose things! By the end of the trip I had forced myself to organize my bags in such a way that everything had a clear HOME. Decluttering made a big difference, and informed my future interest in organization.
2) The second Ah HA! was as I studied sustainable farming in my early 20’s and learned about the permaculture principle of stacking functions - the idea that everything in your garden can serve multiple purposes. What a winning idea! Why shouldn't everything in life have stacking functions?!? |
I now find joy, artistic inspiration, and energy in organization!
Over the last 20 years, I have trained myself to stay on top of my many projects and have become a “finisher.” I love completing my own projects and am known to take on others' abandoned projects and finish them as well.
I started Bower Bird because I enjoy helping others harness this powerful energy.
I started Bower Bird because I enjoy helping others harness this powerful energy.